Remote working

Work from home, or anywhere!

IT Solutions for Mobile Working

Mobile working is fast becoming the new norm and organisations are discovering that enabling their employees to work remotely has many benefits such as minimising commuter and site visit travel. Enabling remote access systems can also alleviate IT hardware budgets by allowing staff to use their own machines at home. Remote and Mobile working will increase productivity as well as improve availability of up to date, relevant company data while working away from the office. Logix have many IT solutions for integrating mobile working into your current infrastructure.

  • Synchronised emails, contacts and calendars
  • Remote and shared file access
  • VPNs – Virtual Private Networks
  • Web accessible emails
  • Remote desktop
  • Laptops, Tablets and Mobile phones
  • Files/Folder Sync Service for Desktop/Mobile

Real Time Remote Working

In the past it was commonplace to copy documents and files onto your laptop or print them off to work on them from home or away from the office, occasionally to find that the document you’d copied was no longer up to date. Remote working can now allow you to view and even edit documents on your server or on the cloud in real time, and some solutions can even enable editing of the same document with others simultaneously.

Email systems we recommend will allow synchronous mailboxes across all relevant devices – make a change to your email from your phone and that change will be reflected across all configured devices, as well as synchronising contacts, calendars and tasks (including shared calendars and global address lists). These are also accessible through web portals so can be accessed from anywhere, on any device with internet access making it much easier to minimise hardware budget impact and requirement for a lot of machines to be available in the office.

Laptops, Tablets and Mobile Phones

Logix can access a wide range of laptops, desktops, tablets and mobile devices from various manufacturers. We can supply, configure and install these units to work together with the server and hosting systems enabling staff to work on any device without fear of data versioning issues. With devices becoming more powerful and economical with battery life and initial cost, there are many more options available to organisations. Logix can visit your site to assess the infrastructure suitability and help to streamline processes to allow more efficient work flow.
